Shortcuts for common calculations

Shortcut calculations can be performed on numeric fields in the data table, including other table calculations.

Shortcut calculations for numeric fields:

Calculation Description Format
% of column Value of the current row divided by the sum of values in the column. If the row limit has been reached, this calculation only includes values in the data table. % (0 decimal places)
% of previous row Value of the current row divided by the value or the row below. % (0 decimal places)
% change from previous row Difference between the values of the current row and the row below, divided by the value of the row below. % (0 decimal places)
Running column total Value of the current row ranked among all values in the column. Default formatting
Rank of column Cumulative sum of the current row and all rows above in the column. If the row limit has been reached, this calculation only includes values in the data table. Default formatting

These shortcut calculations are specific to pivoted results. Pivot calculation types will not appear unless the results are pivoted.

Calculation Description Format
% of previous column The current column's value divided by the value of the column to the left. % (0 decimal places)
% change from previous column The difference between the current column's value and the value of the column to the left, divided by the value of the column to the left. % (0 decimal places)
% of row The percent of the current column's value divided by the row sum of that field. % (0 decimal places)
Running row total The cumulative sum of the current column and all previous columns in this row. Default formatting