Functions and operators

You can use functions and operators in expressions to perform calculations in table functions, custom fields, and custom filters.

Mathematical and statistical functions

Function Syntax Description
abs abs(value) Returns the absolute value of value.
ceiling ceiling(value) Returns the smallest integer created than or equal to value.
exp exp(value) Returns e to the power of value.
floor floor(value) Returns the largest integer less than or equal to value.
ln ln(value Returns the natural logarithm of value.
log log(value) Returns the base 10 logarithm of value.
mod mod(value, divisor) Returns the remainder of dividing value by divisor.
power power(base, exponent) Returns base raised to the power of exponent.
rand rand() Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
round round(value, num_decimals) Returns value rounded to num_decimals decimal places.
sqrt sqrt(value) Returns the square root of value.

The following functions are for table calculations only. Many of these functions operate over many rows and will only consider rows returned by your query.

Function Syntax Description
acos acos(value) Returns the inverse cosine of value.
asin asin(value) Returns the inverse sine of value.
atan atan(value) Returns the inverse tangent of value.
beta_dist beta_dist(value, alpha, beta, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the beta distribution with parameters alpha and beta. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
beta_inv beta_inv(probability, alpha, beta) Returns the position of probability on the inverse cumulative beta distribution with parameters alpha and beta.
binom_dist binom_dist(num_ successes, num_tests, probability, cumulative) Returns the probability of getting num_successes successes in num_tests tests with the given probability of success. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
binom_inv binom_inv(num_tests, test_probability, target_probability)

Returns the smallest number k such that binom(k, num_tests, test_probability, yes) >= target_probability.

chisq_dist chisq_dist(value, dof, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the gamma distribution with dof degrees of freedom. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
chisq_inv chisq_inv(probability, dof) Returns the position of probability on the inverse cumulative gamma distribution with dof degrees of freedom.
chisq_test chisq_test(actual, expected) Returns the probability for the chi-squared test for independence between actual and expected data. actual can be a column or a column of lists, and expected must be the same type.
combin combin(set_size, selection_size) Returns the number of ways of choosing selection_size elements from a set of size set_size.
confidence_norm confidence_norm(alpha, stdev, n) Returns half the width of the normal confidence interval at significance level alpha, standard deviation stdev, and sample size n.
confidence_t confidence_t(alpha, stdev, n) Returns half the width of the Student's t-distribution confidence interval at significance level alpha, standard deviation stdev, and sample size n.
correl correl(column_1, column_2) Returns the correlation coefficient of column_1 and column_2.
cos cos(value) Returns the cosine of value.
count count(expression) Returns the count of non-null values in the column defined by expression , unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the count in each list.
count_distinct count_distinct(expression) Returns the count of distinct non-null values in the column defined by expression, unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the count in each list.
covar_pop covar_pop(column_1, column_2) Returns the population covariance of column_1 and column_2.
covar_samp covar_samp(column_1, column_2) Returns the sample covariance of column_1 and column_2.
degrees degrees(value) Converts value from radians to degrees.
expon_dist expon_dist(value, lambda, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the exponential distribution with parameter lambda. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
f_dist f_dist(value, dof_1, dof_2, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the F distribution with parameters dof_1 and dof_2. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
f_inv f_inv(probability, dof_1, dof_2) Returns the position of probability on the inverse cumulative F distribution with parameters dof_1 and dof_2.
fact fact(value) Returns the factorial of value.
gamma_dist gamma_dist(value, alpha, beta, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the gamma distribution with parameters alpha and beta. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
gamma_inv gamma_inv(probability, alpha, beta) Returns the position of probability on the inverse cumulative gamma distribution with parameters alpha and beta.
geomean geomean(expression) Returns the geometric mean of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the geometric mean of each list.
hypgeom_dist hypgeom_dist(sample_successes, sample_size, population_successes, population_size, cumulative) Returns the probability of getting sample_successes from the given sample_size, number of population_successes, and population_size. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
intercept intercept(y_column, x_column) Returns the intercept of the linear regression line through the points determined by y_column and x_column.
kurtosis kurtosis(expression) Returns the sample excess kurtosis of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the sample excess kurtosis of each list.
large large(expression, k) Returns the kth largest value of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the kth largest value of each list.
match match(value, expression) Returns the row number of the first occurrence of value in the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the position of value in each list.
max max(expression) Returns the max of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the max of each list.
mean mean(expression) Returns the mean of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the mean of each list.
median median(expression) Returns the median of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the median of each list.
min min(expression) Returns the min of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the min of each list.
mode mode(expression) Returns the mode of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the mode of each list.
multinomial multinomial(value_1, value_2, ...) Returns the factorial of the sum of the arguments divided by the product of each of their factorials.
netbinom_dist negbinom_dist(num_failures, num_successes, probability, cumulative) Returns the probability of getting num_failures failures before getting num_successes successes, with the given probability of success. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
norm_dist norm_dist(value, mean, stdev, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the normal distribution with the given mean and stdev. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
norm_inv norm_inv(probability, mean, stdev) Returns the position of probability on the inverse normal cumulative distribution.
norm_s_dist norm_s_dist(value, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the standard normal distribution. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
norm_s_inv norm_s_inv(probability) Returns the position of probability on the inverse standard normal cumulative distribution.
percent_rank percent_rank(column, value) Returns the rank of value in column as a percentage from 0 to 1 inclusive, where column is the column, field, list, or range containing the dataset to consider; and value is the column with the value for which the percentage rank will be determined.
percentile percentile(value_column, percentile_value) Returns the value from the column created by expression corresponding to the given percentile_ value, unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the percentile value for each list.percentile_value must be between 0 and 1; otherwise returns null.
pi pi() Returns the value of pi.
poisson_dist poisson_dist(value, lambda, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the poisson distribution with parameter lambda. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
product product(expression) Returns the product of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the product of each list.
radians radians(value) Converts value from degrees to radians.
rank rank(value, expression) Returns the rank of value in the column created by expression. For example, if you want to rank orders by their total sale price, you could use rank( ${order_ items. total_ sale_ price}, ${order_ items. total_ sale_ price}), which gives a rank for each value of order_ items. total_ sale_ price in your query when comparing it to the entire column of order_ items. total_ sale_ price in your query. In the case where the expression defines multiple lists, this function returns the relative size of the value in each list.
rank_avg rank_avg(value, expression) Returns the average rank of value in the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the average rank of value in each list.
running_product running_product(value_column) Returns a running product of the values in value_column.
running_total running_total(value_column) Returns a running total of the values in value_column.
sin sin(value) Returns the sine of value.
skew skew(expression) Returns the sample skewness of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the sample skewness of each list.
slope slope(y_column, x_column) Returns the slope of the linear regression line through points determined by y_column and x_column.
small small(expression, k)

Returns the kth smallest value of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the kth smallest value of each list.

stddev_pop stddev_pop(expression) Returns the standard deviation (population) of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the standard deviation (population) of each list.
stddev_samp stddev_samp(exprssion) Returns the standard deviation (sample) of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the standard deviation (sample) of each list.
sum sum(expression) Returns the sum of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the sum of each list.
t_dist t_dist(value, dof, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the Student's t-distribution with dof degrees of freedom. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
t_inv t_inv(probability, dof) Returns the position of probability on the inverse normal cumulative distribution with dof degrees of freedom.
t_test t_test(column_1, column_2, tails, type) Returns the result of a Student's t-test on the data from column_1 and column_2, using 1 or 2 tails. type: 1 = paired, 2 = homoscedastic, 3 = heteroscedastic.
tan tan(value)

Returns the tangent of value.

var_pop var_pop(expression) Returns the variance (population) of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the variance (population) of each list.
var_samp var_samp(expression) Returns the variance (sample) of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the variance (sample) of each list.
weibull_dist weibull_dist(value, shape, scale, cumulative) Returns the position of value on the Weibull distribution with parameters shape and scale. If cumulative = yes, returns the cumulative probability.
z_test z_test(data, value, stdev) Returns the one-tailed p-value of the z-test using the existing data and stdev on the hypothesized mean value.

Mathematical operators

Operator Syntax Description
+ value_1 + value_2 Adds value_1 and value_2.
- value_1 - value_2 Subtracts value_2 from value_1.
* value_1 * value_2 Multiplies value_1 and value_2.
/ value_1 / value_2 Divides value_1 by value_2.

Date functions

Function Syntax Description
add_days add_days(number, date) Adds number days to date.
add_hours add_hours(number, date) Adds number hours to date.
add_minutes add_minutes(number, date) Adds number minutes to date.
add_months add_months(number, date) Adds number months to date.
add_seconds add_seconds(number, date) Adds number seconds to date.
add_years add_years(number, date) Adds number years to date.
date date(year, month, day) Returns "year-month-day" date or null if the date would be invalid.
date_time date_time(year, month, day, hours, minutes, second) Returns "year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds" date or null if the date would be invalid.
diff_days diff_days(start_date, end_date) Returns the number of days between start_date and end_date.
diff_hours diff_hours(start_date, end_date) Returns the number of hours between start_date and end_date.
diff_minutes diff_minutes(start_date, end_date) Returns the number of minutes between start_date and end_date.
diff_months diff_months(start_date, end_date) Returns the number of months between start_date and end_date.
diff_seconds diff_seconds(start_date, end_date) Returns the number of seconds between start_date and end_date.
diff_years diff_years(start_date, end_date) Returns the number of years between start_date and end_date.
extract_days extract_days(date) Extract the days from date.
extract_hours extract_hours(date) Extract the hours from date.
extract_minutes extract_minutes(date) Extract the minutes from date.
extract_months extract_months(date) Extract the months from date.
extract_seconds extract_seconds(date) Extract the seconds from date.
extract_years extract_years(date) Extract the years from date.
now now() Returns the current date and time.
trunc_days trunc_days(date) Truncate date to days.
trunc_hours trunc_hours(date) Truncate date to hours.
trunc_minutes trunc_minutes(date) Truncate date to minutes.
trunc_months trunc_months(date) Truncate date to months.
trunc_years trunc_years(date) Truncate date to years.

The following functions are for table calculations only.

Function Syntax Description
to_date to_date(string) Returns the date and time corresponding to string (YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD hh, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm, or YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss).

String functions

Function Syntax Description
concat concat(value_1, value_2, ...) Returns value_1, value_2, ..., value_n joined as one string.
contains contains(string, search_string) Returns Yes if the string contains search_string, and No otherwise.
length length(string) Returns the number of characters in string.
lower lower(string) Returns string with all characters converted to lowercase.
position position(string, search string) Returns the start index of search_string in string if it exists, and 0 otherwise.
replace replace(string, old_string, new_string) Returns string with all occurrences of old_string replaced with new_string.
split split(string, delimiter) Returns a list of string in string broken up by delimiter.
substring substring(string, start_position, length) Returns the substring of string, beginning at start_ position, consisting of length characters. The start_ position starts at 1, with1 indicating the first character in the string, 2 indicating the second character in the string, and so on.
to_number to_number(string) Returns the number represented by string, or null if the string cannot be converted.
to_string to_string(value) Returns the string representation of value, or an empty string if value is null.
upper upper(string) Returns string with all characters converted to uppercase.

The following functions are for table calculations only.

Function Syntax Description
split split(string, delimiter) Returns a list of string in string broken up by delimiter.
to_number to_number(string) Returns the number represented by string, or null if the string cannot be converted.
to_string to_string(value) Returns the string representation of value, or an empty string if value is null.

Logical functions, operators, and constants

Function Syntax Description
case case(when(yesno_arg, value_if_yes), when(yesno_arg, value_if_yes), ..., else_value) Allows conditional logic with multiple conditions and outcomes. Returns value_if_yes for the first when case whose yesno_arg value is yes. Returns else_value if none of the when cases evaluate to yes.
coalesce coalesce(value_1, value_2, ...) Returns the first non-null value in , value_2, ..., value_n if found and null otherwise.
if if(yesno_expression, value_if_yes, value_if_no) If yesno_expression evaluates to Yes, returns the value_if_yes value. Otherwise, returns the value_if_no value.
is_null is_null(value) Returns Yes if value is null, and No otherwise.

These comparison operators can be used with any data type:

Operator Syntax Description
= value_1 = value_2 Returns Yes if value_1 is equal to value_2, and No otherwise.
!= value_1 != value_2 Returns Yes if value_1 is not equal to value_2, and No otherwise.

These comparison operators can be used with numbers and dates:

Operator Syntax Purpose
> value_1 > value_2 Returns Yes if value_1 is greater than value_2, and No otherwise.
< value_1 < value_2 Returns Yes if value_1 is less than value_2, and No otherwise.
>= value_1 >= value_2 Returns Yes if value_1 is greater than or equal to value_2, and No otherwise.
<= value_1 <= value_2 Returns Yes if value_1 is less than or equal to value_2, and No otherwise.

These logical operators can be used to combine expressions:

Operator Syntax Purpose
AND value_1 AND value_2 Returns Yes if both value_1 and value_2 are Yes, and No otherwise.
OR value_1 OR value_2 Returns Yes if either value_1 or value_2 is Yes, and No otherwise.
NOT NOT value Returns Yes if value is No, and No otherwise.
Note: Logical operators must be capitalized. Logical operators written in lowercase will not work.

Column and row totals for table calculations

If you Explore contains totals, you can reference total values for columns and rows:

Function Syntax Description
:total ${field:total} Returns the column total of the field.
:row_total ${field:row_total} Returns the row total of the field.

Row related functions for table calculations

Some of these functions use the relative positions of rows, so changing the sort order of the rows affects the results of the functions.

Function Syntax Description
index index(expression, n) Returns the value of the nth element of the column created by expression, unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the nth element of each list.
list list(value_1, value_2, ...) Creates a list out of the given values.
lookup lookup(value, lookup_column, result_column) Returns the value in result_ column that is in the same row as value is in lookup_ column.
offset offset(column, row_offset) Returns the value of row (n + row_ offset) in column, where n is the current row number.
offset_list offset_list(column, row_offset, num_values) Returns a list of the num_values values starting at row(n + row_ offset) in column, where n is the current row number.
row row() Returns the current row number.

Pivot functions for table calculations

Function Syntax Purpose
pivot_column pivot_column() Returns the index of the current pivot column.
pivot_index pivot_index(expression, pivot_index) Evaluates expression in the context of the pivot column at position pivot_index (1 for first pivot, 2 for second pivot, etc.). Returns null for unpivoted results
pivot_offset pivot_offset(pivot_expression, col_offset) Returns the value of the pivot_expression in position (n + col_offset), where n is the current pivot column position. Returns null for unpivoted results.
pivot_offset_list pivot_offset_list(pivot_expression, col_offset, num_values) Returns a list of the num_values in pivot_expression starting at (n + col_offset), where n is the current pivot index. Returns null for unpivoted results.
pivot_row pivot_row(expression) Returns the pivoted values of expression as a list. Returns null for unpivoted results.
pivot_where pivot_where(select_expression, expression) Returns the value of expression for the pivot column that uniquely satisfies select_expression or null if such a unique column does not exist.
  • Some pivot functions use the relative positions of pivot columns, so changing the sort order of the pivoted dimension affects the results of those functions.
  • The specific pivot functions you use determine whether the table calculation is displayed next to each pivoted column, or is displayed as a single column at the end of the table.

Filter function for custom filters and custom fields

The matches_filter function lets you work with filter expressions to return values based on filtered data. This function works on custom filters, filters on custom measures, and custom dimensions, but is not valid in table calculations.

Function Syntax Purpose
matches_filter matches_filter(field, `filter_expression`) Returns Yes if the value of the field matches the filter expression, No if not.