Creating a custom dimension using an expression

You can create a custom dimension using an expression and one or more other dimensions.

  1. In the Custom Fields section of the field picker, select Add > Custom Dimension.
  2. In the Expression box, enter an expression that calculates the value for your dimension, using any functions and operators. The expression editor will suggest field names and display syntax help for any functions you use.
  3. Optional: In the Format drop-down list, select the formatting option to use.
  4. In the Name text box, specify the custom dimension's name. The name appears in the field picker and in the data table.
  5. Optional: Click + Add Description to add a description of up to 255 characters in the Description box to give other users more context or information about the custom dimension.
  6. Click Save.
The new dimension is displayed in the Custom Fields section in the field picker.