Selecting data tables

Select one or more data tables to include in the source data for your New Dashboard.


At least one data table must be defined. For information on creating data tables, see Data tables.

You can select data tables when you are creating your New Dashboard, or return at any point and add them by selecting Data Management from your dashboard. You can add as many data tables as you require.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If you are creating a New Dashboard, follow the steps in Create a New Dashboard until you get to the Data Selection page.
    • If you are adding data tables to an existing dashboard, open the dashboard from the Dashboards page and click Data Management.
  2. Select the Data Selection tab, and then select Data Tables.
  3. Locate the data table(s) you want to include and click the checkbox to the left of each data table to add.
    • To search for a data table, enter all or part of the data table name in the search text box.
    • Sort the data tables listed in descending (A-Z. This is the default) or ascending (Z-A) order by clicking on the Name column heading.
    • Browse through multiple pages of data tables, if applicable, by clicking the page numbers at the bottom right of the Data Tables table. You can also adjust the number of entries displayed on each page by selecting 10 (Default), 20, or 50 items from the Rows per page drop-down list.
    Result: The data tables you have added are listed in the Selected Data panel.
  4. If the selected data table(s) are the only data sources you need for your dashboard, click Done.
    You can also continue with the data selection process by adding any of the following: