Numeric formatting for visualizations

Custom formatting gives you control with how numeric data appears. You can apply spreadsheet style formatting to certain visualizations.

Note: Date formatting, color formatting, and hexadecimal conversion are not supported.

Numeric formatting options are available for the following visualizations:

Value Format field is available in the following visualizations: Format field is available in the following visualizations when you select the option Custom:

The table below displays the most common formatting options used.

Format Result
0 Integer (123).
00# Integer zero-padded to 3 places (001).
0 "String" Integer followed by a string (123 String) ("String" can be replaced with any text string).
0.## Number up to 2 decimals (1. or 1.2 or 1.23).
0.00 Number with exactly 2 decimals (1.23).
00#.00 Number zero-padded to 3 places and exactly 2 decimals (001.23).
#,##0 Number with comma between thousands (1,234).
#,##0.00 Number with comma between thousands and 2 decimals (1,234.00).
0.000,, "M" Number in millions with 3 decimals (1.234 M) Division by 1 million happens automatically.
0.000, "K" Number in thousands with 3 decimals (1.234 K) Division by 1 thousand happens automatically.
$0 Dollars with 0 decimals ($123).
$0.00 Dollars with 2 decimals ($123.00).
"€"0 Euros with 0 decimals (€123).
$#,##0.00 Dollars with comma between thousands and 2 decimals ($1,234.00).
$#.00;($#.00) Dollars with 2 decimals, positive values displayed normally, negative values wrapped in parenthesis.
0\% Display as percent with 0 decimals (1 becomes 1%).
0.00\% Display as percent with 2 decimals (1 becomes 1.00%).
0% Convert to percent with 0 decimals (.01 becomes 1%).
0.00% Convert to percent with 2 decimals (.01 becomes 1.00%).